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so sleep alone tonight
CHUNNI:) 12 Nov ♥ myself Every second counts, cos there is no second try. So live like you're never living twice. - If today was your last day |
about this blog
This blog was opened by chen chunni to accomodate her's mindless musings and daily rantings.Enjoy your visit here, and don't take what's not yours! Alda Jasmine Nicole Zhi Han 3/5'09 CSS GG credits
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed |
Umm, i have no time . So let me just do a quick , short update . TAGS REPLY . becca{:: U finally reply tags and whr's my pretty boy?! becca{:: LOLS Yups ! Hahas, i change song liao lehr ! :P kaixin: chunni i did wat u and alda told me too but to me it only works on de outside of me...i yesterday finnaly cannot act animore i let it out at dance rm i went out later to wash my face i saw sumone i dt Why ? What happened ? Kai xin don't be sad okays ! You still got mummy here , You can alway talk and share your problems with me . *give you a BIG BIG HUG* mummy LOVES you ! XDD jasmine (: hahahaha. shi shang hao de nan ren yi jing jue zhong luh~! " hahahaha. shi shang HAO de nan ren yi jing JUE zhong luh~! " You see ? Is you say one , not me . xPP almas: Heyyyyyyyyyya. Loveeeeeeeeya ! ^.^ NICOLENG: YO PEOPLE ! ;D YOZ PRETTY GURL ! ;DD qiuyuan: hEELO!relink me yea? will lnk u asap:D Npnp ! XDD jasmine (: >_< ((: JUNWANG:D: wow! this song one girl from other sch sing to me -.- you solo singing ah? tsktsk ;P haisssssss Huh what ? I like always can't get what you saying sehh . HAHAHS ! ;DD JINFENG: hey! link me! Hellos ! Okays ! XD wanling: Hellos, ChunNi! Mind linking me up? Thank you and TAKE CARE! Npnp ! Take care too ! =) renjie~: TAGGED!(: lyk tt can??xDD CAN ~ Got tagged can lehr . ^^ HAN.NAH: yo! tag of the year ;DD YOZ ! How can be tag of the year ? Must be tag of the DAY ! HAHAHS YUPS ! :DD PEARLY: HELLO LAO MA. Hahaha. You going back to Qifa on National Day eve? NU-ER HAO ! :PP Umm umm umm , i donno sehh . I donno whether i can make it not . But i'll definitely try to . Yups (: ALDA: CHUNNI! hahahaha, woah, imagine chunni singing that song! *imagine* hahaha, so cool! XD YEAH lohr , imagine if i know and i can sing that song , then i'll be like so COOL & PRO okays ! Heehee ;DD --- Today i feel so extra . :( But nvm , i'm feeling happy now . :) And anybody wanna go watch red cliff ? XDD Going to sing this song for Nanjing performances . If you wander off too far My love will get you home If you follow the wrong star My love will get you home If you ever find yourself Lost and all alone Get back on your feet and think of me My love will get you home Boy My love will get you home If the bright lights blinds your eyes My love will get you home If your troubles break your stride My love will get you home If you ever find yourself Lost and all alone Get back on your feet and think of me My love will get you home Boy My love will get you home If you ever feel ashame My love will get you home If it's only you to blame My love will get you home If you ever find yourself Lost and all alone Get back on your feet and think of me My love will get you home Boy My love will get you home If you ever find yourself Lost and all alone Get back on your feet and think of me My love will get you home Boy My love will get you home Boy My love will get you home [: " Shi shang HAO de nan ren yi jing JUE zhong luh~! " --- Said by Jasmine . [: Tags Reply .
ALDA: hahaha! i frequently told kaixin that too! (: you can ask her. HAH it works XDYEAH , it really does work ! XDD luky: hi chunni your old qifa classmate here arr:D HELLOS !! Miss you and everyone ! Hahas ! Tags Reply .
! P R I S :D: heeheee! ILY too!~ <3 Must tc ah! Had fun gossiping w you after sch! LOLL! Much loves!YESS ! LOVESS ! ~ ;DD NICOLE.: LOLLL. Shuddupppp. I don't love you. HUMPH! LOLS . :( XD eeloon: HI! was visiting all the blogs so I came to say HI! (: eeloon: au revoir! THANKS ! Au-revoir ! ^.^ XINYING!: CHUNNCHUNNCHUNN! LOL. chunni ;D your name is nice to type! LOL xD :)) DeAtHxPuLZeR: ARGGGHHH!!!! Plz...U R a veri nice gal, plz dun let tat china bastard loser hav any hopes on u...I Am The Guy Hu Seats In Front Of Hakim!!! Jia: terence.. ur name is so gona destroy her blog.. Hahas .. HAN.NAH: hahahha. dont posts the monday's photos can lerhh. retarded only ;D oh, and i realised i have been with you on mon, tues and friday. LOL! YEAH ! ;DD Hahas . Take care hor ! (: jasmine (: someone went to watch someone's match wor xDD Lols . becca{:: CHUNNI CHUNNI!!! I LOVE YOU! D ^^ `zhi xinnn: hey yo. youre relinked yeahx. Miss ya.:D Thanks ! Miss ya too ! XD liting: so so so..did you get your red specs in the end? No , never . SADDED ! [: jasmine (: lol. yr pictures like super outdated can. Hahas, i was like "ehh, i got give you that letter recently meh?" Then Lol! is like don't know how many weeks ago de letter eh? hahas, loves chunni! HAHAHS ! CHUNCHUNLOVEJASJAS too ! * copy from Xinying :] jasmine (: rofl, and everyone knows where rebecca stays now. LOL! Hahas yeah . * not my fault not my fault * :P NICOLE.: There's gonna be NDP?! Yay, or not yay? Cos I'm so tired alrdy. YAY ! I lvoe NDP ! Though it's tiring, but worth it . Heehee yups . DeAtHxPuLZeR: YJ!!! I WILL TK U DIS FRIDAE~!!! Iris.: TODAY IS SO FUN!:D YEAH DEFINITELY ! ~ :D Jia: hello chunni, tagged~ pls ignore terence ;D Thanks for tagging . Hahas okayys . NICOLE.: Terence. Just fcuk off and get a life. Nobody wants you polluting their blog. ;DD jasmine (: I hate backstabbers and betrayers too! haizx. nvm, hehe. LOVES! LOVESS ! HAN.NAH: nice specs what! ;D NOOO ! Nerdy specs ! >< So ugly ~ =) *SMILE* I remember something Alda jie told me last time . When you're feeling sad , must do 3 things . first , smile ! second , blink blink . third , smile and blink ! ((: When i look through my messgae history with Alda , i saw this too : "男人不是好东西,无情无义伤人心。说过一句:我爱你,最后还是离开你! XDD I LOVE ALDA JIE ! Hahas random . ;DD Cheer her up . Cheer her up . Cheer her up . Why keep on asking me to cheer her up ? I want to help her . But , i donno how to . I'm feeling very stressed too kays . I can't be a good friend . I can't ! Got my new specs ytd . And well , i HATE it . So fugly !! Both the specs and me . :( I HATE BETRAYERS ! I HATE BACKSTABBERS ! JUST SOME PICS : Jasmine's letter of encouragement . LOVESS !! [ Last Monday ] Acting C U T E ~ [ Last Wednesday ] Rebecca's house . Hannah walking with her eyes closed ;DD Green Apple Ice Blended w Strawberry Jelly . [ & red straw ] XDD [ Last Friday ] Clementi Sports Hall . Match . [ Last Sunday ] Sushi made by me ! YUM YUM ! ;DD Today, we knew that there will be NDP ! NATIONAL DAY PARADE ! Heehee . ;DD And after school , almost all the girls went out for lunch . PANGSEHH ME lohr ! Good lohr them ! So , i hang out Jasmine, Cindy, Jia wen, Benita they all . They are better kayys ! HMPH ! XD We went to auditorium for Maths NSW . It's so tough kays ! Make my headache worst only . And the girls were late . Yups . But anw, i feel so good after finishing the paper ! (: Monday . Went to IMM with Almas, Sha sha, Iris & Hannah . Had LOTS LOTS LOTS of fun ! Yups (: Tuesday . Went to Rebecca's house near Bukit Batok East Avenue 3 . Yeah, then went Westmall to eat and buy Bubble tea . Green Apple Ice Blended plus strawberry jelly . ;DD Wednesday . Went home straight . Thursday . Stayed back in school for some EE thingy . Then just walked around in school . Went home @ 4 pm . Friday . Ate lunch in school . Then walk here walk there . Go library use com . 1.30pm left school, take cab with Becca go Clementi Sports Hall . Watched our school basketball team play . I hour match . 3 pm ended . Went to buy Bubble tea with Becca . Her father fetched me home . [Home sweet home ! ] ;DD Saturday . Went to change new specs . Then i chose a simple black colour specs . Instead of a striking purple one . ( My mum wants me to choose this ! ) But i really want something SIMPLE . & the optician hor, kept on passing me RED coulour specs to try . Then i was like , " Got any colour beside Red ? " " Yeah got . " * Passed me RED specs again * " I think you suit red colour specs alot . " * My mum, my dad , the optician nodded their heads .* Lols . XD Today . Sunday . Today i ate Sushi for lunch . Is i OWNSELF made one ! (with the help of my mum ) Not buy dehr . Damn nice okayys ! Yum yum ! ;DD Actually i got tons of pictures dehr . But in a rush now . Sorry . Promise i will put next time dehr . Yups ! ((: Buhbyes . First thing that happened this morning is , MY SPECS SPOIL !! >< Hahahs . (: Tags Reply . NICOLE.: Wah. Talk to me will laugh uh? So honoured sehhh Yeah , will . Hahas ;DD XINYING!: BOOO BOOO. why nv put my name! grr ><> XINYING!: LOL. i just crapinn xD i kinda crap alot these days OH YEAH ! i forget to write your name . Sorry ! Will add in one . ;DD jasmine (: HAHAHA. i love chunni too! ^^ And, no, why do i see a weird name at my name there. Then i angry la. HAHAH Hahas, where got weird name ? where got ?? You mean JUE PIONG ahr ? weird mehr ? i thought you everyday see until can grow sick liao lehr , still got weird mehr ? HAHAHS ! I <33> becca{:: Chunni nv say me! :P NICOLE.: YES YOU SHOULD CREATE A NEW FRIENDSTER ACCOUNT! YES i created lehr ! XD ALDA: YAYAYA! CREATE FRIENDSTER ACCOUNT! &&, must add me! I DON'T CARE. i have ur NYAA form in my hands~ BWAHAHAHA :X Don't worry, i'd treat it with care! YES!! Hahas yeah, must treat it with extra extra care ! Heehee ;DD Iris.: YES YES YES.THEN CAN LEAVE ME COMMENT!;DDD OKAYS ! becca{:: Hi(: Chunni is always random. Lols. And i still remember wht happened in th tilet last time! AHAHAHAHAS! YAHR, i am always being so RANDOM~ LOLS ! Don't remind me of that lehr ahr ! ><> HUIQING :D: I love waving to you each time I see you love Ahahahs yeah Huiqing love . [: ZHi Wei: YEa yea, you should go create and you have created. HAHA LALALA~ I haven't update for like SOOO LONGGG ! Paisehh ! Anw i also don't have time to update today too . Sorry ! Will do a detailed & long one this weekend to summarise what happened this week . Yups(: Dear peeps , Do you think i should create a new FRIENDSTER account ? Cause I deleted mine last year . Then I'm wondering should i start a new one now . So please leave a tag to tell me your opinion . Yups (: HELLOS ! ;DD This is just a v random post . And I am a v random person , Always asking people random questions . Yups (: Many THANKS to the following : JASMINE Green Tea . She's always there to an wei me . She's so NICE cans ! ~ I think Jue Piong should love her lohr ! Seriously . (: JUNWANG Buddy . I donno , He calls me buddy , So I call him buddy now . He's v nice . ;DD ALWANI DEAR . She's my ah dear okays ! :P I love talking & sitting with her . xP SHANYI Councillor . I really really thinks that he has a v nice character ! Yeah . And when I am sad on OC that day , He managed to cheer me up . ^^ PRISCILLA Jiejie . She always supports & be there for me . I love my jie ! xD ALDA Jiejie Alda jiejie is v funny & nice ! ~ Yes !! I love talking with her , Make me feel v comfortable . Heehee[: & NICOLE Ang Sze Piong too . I always laugh like crazy when talking to her lately . Hahas . ^.^ Oh yeah, not to forget to mention REECE Friend . I was so HIGH after messaging with him yesterday lahr . Lols . :P Once again , THANKS ALOT PEEPS ! xDD Tags Reply .
Tags Reply :jasmine (: HEY SWEETIE! well, today emo for what ): But good thing you went back happy again! Tmrw's OC, jiayou for it, jasmine (: Well, i'm sure yr friend will understand that you are a good friend (: at least i touced my heart and think you are lor. Well, they will cherish you. Yups (: Thanks JASMINE ! ;DD XINYING!: chunni chunni! aww. dont think of it so much alrhhs. just try to look things in another angle. maybe things will be much much better yeah cheers ;D Yeah. ;DD Thanks for listening to me that day . [: becca{:: Heys babe. still best buddies rite? Yes of course ~ (= JUNWANG:D: eee reb today say me. tsktsk ;P chunni of course will be best fwens with you! not like me right? -.- Yahr . Huh ? jasmine (: YEAH! We did our best. EVERYONE DID THEIR BEST! (: the best part is we enjoyed the whole thing XD cheers! jasmine (: hey yo! I updated my blog on OC liao. can go get the pictures there ok! Loves. YESS! We ENJOYED the whole thing ! Cheers ! ~ Lovess ! ^.^ Ohh okays . xD JEAN :D: Well, for me, even though OC is over, I still have so much activities luh! What workshop, concert etc. Hais hais! I have sad life leh. Hahahs cheer up kayys ! I also got CCA yesterday , but nvm . I feel happy happy now . :P jasmine (: rofl. yr blog de words not crappy what. HAHA. so ok la. Ahahas thanks ~ ((: I can't find any nice pictures/photos to put on my blog . i hate my blog being just so wordy . >< Feel like closing down my blog . but, i don't bear to do so . hais . Today is the REAL OFFICIAL OPENING . yups . what can i say ? umm, it wasn't a very very perfect one . but we all did our very very best . yeah . at first there was a false alarm . there's a small tiny bit of drizzling . and the teachers actually said we might have to prepare for wet weather parade . we were so scared& worried lohr . all of us prayed and prayed and prayed . prayed that it won't rain . and our prayers actually came true !! ;DD many people say we stood for a long time in the parade square . but i don't feel tired AT ALL lohr , not a single wee bit . and you know what, this is the FIRST time i felt so much pride in what i'm doing . really, first time ever ! i feel very happy when i was standing there . (: then the last part, when we have to marched off, [this is the part that spoil everything .] messy. yeah, almas also said so . but she also mentioned that this time, NPCC did better . yeah . after the whole parade actually ended. most of the guides cried . because, alot people expect us to do well. because, we expected so much from ourselves. and when we did not actually perform as wonderful as what we want . there comes the disappointment . but after that, Ms Faith gave us a small talk. what she said was right, we still have a long way ahead. we have to move on. {but actually it's good lahr, it shows that we care, that's why we will cry.} after this, we went to eat our dinner. & i very high lorh. hahas, donno why. then me & nicole are walking around finding 2/3 peeps. wanted to take a photo together dehr, with all the different uniforms. but in the end, never take. Lols. but anyway i think we did well today okays ! yes, we did !! we will have a good memories of today dehr. i will remember 110708 this day dehr ! ;DD yes, not only th UGs, the performing arts people, art& green club& whatever-club people. Basically, everyone of us did FANTASTIC!~ :PP the next parade is soon lohr, the National Day Parade ! we must do well for that kays ! ^.^ '' work play train rest. Commonwealth UGs are the best . '' --- Shan yi. Hahas, he's so nice~ for consoling me just now. xD And yes, Commonwealth UGs are the best ! GG, RC, NCC, NPCC, we RAWKS ! Heehee;DD Am having IT lesson now . Yups, IT lesson so nice one ;DD Later will be having Literature lesson . Then we can go home lehr . Yippee ! (: And we are going to have OC later . OHMYGOD ! OC LATER!~ Hope everything turns out successfully . Yeah . Really hope so . *pray hard pray hard pray hard* OC TMR !
Hope that tomorrow don't rain .hope that everything turns out smoothly tmr . hope that we will do a good job tmr ! no, is we must do a fantastic job tmr ! JIAYOUS JIAYOUS EVERYONE, FOR THE OC WE HAVE ALL BEEN LOOKING FORWARD FOR SO LONGGG !! ;DD Bad day today . what can i say now? you might be angry with me, for saying all those things today . yeah, i know those words hurts . but that's the whole point . sometimes, scolding is more effective than encouragements . if my scolding could wake you up, it's okay for me, to be the bad guy . you know what? whenever you face a problem, and broke down . there'll always be many people beside you, consoling you . and it seems as if you are the only person suffering . but have you wondered how many people you had actually hurt previously? actually im also pretty mad today . almas called me to go console you . nicole say i aren't helping things . she say you just need a friend to be there for you . she asked me to apologise to you . but why must i ? i did no wrong, at least in my point of view, i don't think i did . yet, nobody understands me . nicole say i don't understand what you are facing now . but it doesn't mean that i have to experience it then i will know how it feels . outsider is always the one who can see better . i can't be a perfect friend . i am not a good friend . but this time, im just trying to help you . to correct you . i don't understand, when people know your weakness/fault/flaw, they don't correct you . they just gossip behind your back . is this the kind of friend you want me to be like ? i don't want to hide how i feel . what are friends for ? not only to comfort, console you etc etc . but also to point out and correct your mistakes . you need friends to tell you what they think about you . then you can change, for the better. last time i also don't understand this well . but now i do . many people mistook the meaning of friends . if you asked them what are friends/best friends ? they'll say someone who listen to you , who is there for you . who encourages you . who blahblahblah blahblahblah . they will always say what others should DO for them , so as to become their friend/best friends . they never think of what they could actually do for their friends . anyway just for your info, the definition of friend (in my dictionary) is : a person you know well and like, and who is not usually a member of your family . OR a person who has the same interests and opinions as yourself . and so today , i asked my friends do i have attitude problem . cause some people actually say i did have . i don't mind actually , yeah , really . just tell me, so i can change . i rather you just tell me than gossip behind my back& behaving like we are still oh-so-good-friends. and i really DO appreciate if you tell me first , before you went to tell all my friends . hope life will be better . hais . (anyway, you can actually just ignore this post and think i'm crapping. ) Oh yeah , forget to mention that Nicole, Hannah & Rebecca pangseh me yesterday . Hahas yups . (: Nowadays are too busy to update. Sorry . Yesterday had a VERY VERY VERY bad headache . Like any second can faint dehr lohr . And I remember this conver : - '' mum, got any medicine to eat ? i have a very bad headache now .. " * lying on my bed, groaning * '' headache ?! headache, go sleep lahr ! " - Wahlao . How can my mum be like that ?? :( Hais. So, I just fell asleep , without eating any medicine . It was only after i woke up , and then i went to take panadol myself and eat one . - - - Today morning it rains ! Yeah , so nice~ Rain some more ! NONONONO, i take back my words . Cannot rain on Friday ! CANNOT ! It's Official Cermony , Die die also cannot rain !! Today there's no OC rehearsal . So went home aftering eating lunch in school . Went home then IMMEDIATELY go sleep liao lehr . Hahas of course ! Am too tired . ;DD Tags Reply .
NICOLE.: HELLO CHUNNI. LOL ;Dyes, hello Nicole . LOLS . (: HAN.NAH: CHUNNI! ;D pretty boy! hahahas. must thank me! LOL. kidding ;D yeah . Thanks lots . :] jasmine (: YEAH! (: i kinda enjoy OC too. I'll miss OC ): YUPS ! I'll definitely miss OC too dehr . JUNWANG!: i love OC because there will be no one in the canteen after school >.<> hahas . Lols . Allyson: Hiiyo! JYJY for OC!! hellos ! thank you ! you too (: JUNWANG!: woooolalalalla~ internet is becoming so bored -.- ohh. lols . Allyson: hahas, simplicity RULEZ! yesss !! ^^ NICOLE.: Oiiiiiii. Stop it with the pangseh thing with hannah lehhh. ohh okayyys . becca{:: Heys pretty(: Tagged. And OMG des tagged your blog!!! thanks for tagging prettaye ! hahas . xD lols . NIcole ;D: relink pls ! ;D ohh okays , no probs . ;DD PRISCILLA.L :D: Hello ! Relink me at http://www.thatlove-affair.blogspot.com ! Thnks hello jie ! ^.^ okays , no probs ! xP liting: lols. tys v much ! XD np(: almas: Hey. yes dear~ ;) jasmine (: Hey. i tie hair for you very shuang right? ^^ HAHA YEAH ! so ~shuang~ dehr . heehee;DD becca{:: Nvreply tags and update! And rmb wht happened in the toilet?:-D LMAO! becca{:: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAS! Cant stop laughing larhs! aiyo ! dont remind me of that incident liao lahr ! so paiseh one dehr ! hahas =) sorry lohr , i too lazy to update and reply tags nowadays mahr :P XINYING!: good goood good. the song nice nice XD yes. ty ! XD JEAN :D: Hey hey! So long never tag luh. Hahas, I can't wait for OC to end too! I'm tired of it but I don't want remedials to resume either! DD: yups . yeah , hais . but if to choose between OC or remedials , i rather have OC lohr . ahahas. XP becca{:: UPDATE AND REPLY YOUR TAGS LARHS! see !! I update liao lehr ! hehehe [: -
I can't imagine how my life will be like after OC. Yeah, I can't wait for that day to pass. But somehow, It has become a part of my life. I'm used to staying back everyday for CCA, either for internal or combined rehearsal. Used to grumbling/complaining how OC had changed/affected my life. But, I still love OC:] And happy that I'm a part of it. Yups(: Imagine OC had passed, How will life be? Remedials will resumed, No more CCAs on Wednesday, Thursday. Hais, will that be better?? Her feelings she hides. Her dreams she can't find. She's losing her mind. She's fallen behind. She can't find her place. She's losing her faith. She's fallen from grace. She's all over the place. Tags Reply.
Tags Reply:zzt :D: hoho, hello! haha, you look cool today lah! haha! xDDD hahas thanks(: JUNWANG:D: omg! whos the N + X ? i only know R + R ! LOL -.- donno~ someone and someone lors. NICOLE.: HI CHUNNI. The sec one pic looks funny ;D ahahas i know. i just wanna recall how i look like when i'm sec one. heehee[: ALDA: hahah CHUNNI!!!! omgzxzxxz. I'm very boredddddddd. as usual! you look FUNNYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY in the sec one pic :X:X but it's so chunni :X:X what do you mean by so chunni?? hahahs ! you bored, you can always, anything message me mah. xDD becca{:: disiao until very shuang horhs you and nicole?!?! yeah v v shuang. hehehe;DD HAN.NAH: HAHA. lets disturb R and R, N and X ;DD yes, disiao both of them. we are too BORED !! ;DD NICOLE.: Oi! Why cannot hang out with me?! Still can still can! But becca cannot. Cos her boyf protective. HAHAHS! cannot lorh, someone hor, nowadays hor, so busy talking with her ah dar. ahahas^^ jasmine (: ehhhh. don't feel empty manzxzxz! LOL. Cheeeeeers Tmrw full uniform, *gasps. And then can see me and i won't make you feel empty HAHAHAHA. hehehe, thanks jasmine! lots of <333> HAN.NAH: still got me! dont need they two la! we two ;D yeah! we two. don need them ! hahas ! ;DD becca{:: Still can hang out with me! i wont zhong se qing you derhs! you sure you wont?? xPP liting: relink le (: liting: o..and and and..we all get this kinda funny emo times alot. its normal and talking may help you feel better (: thanks:] yeah, ty!~ you emo, also can come find me^.^ VANESSA.♥: commenting on the picture. who says you look ugly ?? you chiobu okies! okays okays, i dont look ugly. but i also not chiobu la. hahahs[: nicole ng: hhas . our secret , shhhhhhh ! {: hahahas . anw , how u get my no. ahs ? yes ! will shhhhhh~ de! ((: aiyo you huh, STM girl! heeeheee. XD XINYING!: CHUNNI CHIUNNI CHUNNI! dont sad. hais. LOL okays i dont sad ! you also cannot sad hor !! Allyson: Heellooo D'you rmb me? hahas, used to make fun of SJ together hellos ! of course i rmb you ! yeah , last time always make fun of shu juan de. hehehe;DD becca{:: hey babe. Tagged(: thanks babe, for tagging. ^.^ ALDA: CHUNNI! hellos, i'm back to tag! I can't wait for OC to end DX thanks jie~ ! hais, i donno seh. im like so used to having OC rehearsal liao lo. i cant imagine how my life will be like w/o OC. ): hais, nvm. XD Why will I feel so empty (& lonely)? Anybody can tell me ?? I don't feel like hanging out with Becca or Nicole anymore le. Cause feel so extra :( Hais nevermind.
Today is Be Yourself Day. Yups. I wear the long-sleeved blouse+vest and make me feel so so hot! But i love it when we went AVA 2 for Chinese lesson, Cause very cooling& comfortable(: Home Econs lesson today is nice. We made tomato& cucumber salad. I love the sauce! Yum Yum! ;DD And assembly today is v nice! Yeah. Very cool& brave, those people who participate in the creative dress competition. [: After assembly, me+nicole+rebecca went JE. All the way there, we were disiao-ing about rebecca. the 2Rs and the 2JIEs. Heehee, after we ate, we went back to school AGAIN. Cause we have to complete our compo and hand in TODAY! So we went to the study area, half writing, half playing& talking with Amiraa all the way to approximately 5.50pm. Yups. And I so shocked la. That someone stead with someone. [R+R] And another someone stead with another someone. [N+X] It just happened so randomly lo. Just because of one promise they made. Hahas(: Anw hope their relationship can last long[: Almas& I [: Took this some days ago. (Okays, i admit i look ugly) Hahas(: Sec one pic. Hawhaws, i look so funny very. ^^
Tags Reply.
to} JUNWANG!: nice blog skin (: take care! ;POhh thanks. Tc two. to} EVAN!: HELLOS CHUNNI!:D hahas. re-linkkeedd![: hahahah, yeap. Hellos! ;DD Thanks(: And you look HOT today man! Heehee./ to} liting: heyys. came! heyy, i just realised sth..you are only one day younger than me! XD } liting: relink later k? i very tired recently =/ Ohh really? Hahas you are one day older than me! Heehee^^ Ohh okays nvm;DD to} JEAN :D: Wow. Blogskins rocks. And I relinked you liao! Muacks. THANKS!~ Muacks! xP to} xuanying: no maggie mee for bad girl. & you should eat the wasabi collon lor! x] Hahas i v smart, not that easy to trick de! I bad girl mehh?? Don have lo! to} becca{:: Hello kitty and hello puppy;D Lols! Whatever. xD to} HAN.NAH: no la, its hello panda. LOL! eh dont wear la, pei me okay? ;D Lols anything la. Hahas, i never get to this tag in time and i wore. And you should wear too lo!! >< ((= to} ALDA: i saw chunni wear VEST TODAY!!!!! sexy~! WEE-U-WEET. sucks that i have to wear uniform. nobody wear with me then i dun feel like already. BEcause kaixin dun feel like wearing } ALDA: then i also dun want wear class tee. SO... uniform is the best solution. LOLzxzx/ HAIS! DX hope you enjoy urself today! DD No lo, not sexy at all de la. Nvm, next year let's wear together okays? ^.^ Yeah, somehow uniform is the best solution. Hahas thanks two(: to} becca{:: Chunni, your figure damn nice!(: show it off more often! LOLS. Lols! I so fat, figure where got nice? Tsktsk you don anyhow say la. Hawhaws[: to} jasmine (: CHUNNI SO CHIO TODAY! hahahs. No lo. Chunni not chio de, everyday anyday also not chio one. Hehehe^^ to} JUNWANG!: wahsehhh! tsktsk! enjoy today! -.- Wahseh what? Ohh. 1st of July !! (:
Tomorrow is Be Yourself Day.Yups. I donno what to wear! Cause they say cannot wear shorts, Then wear jeans super hot de lo. Hais, maybe I not wearing ba. Depends on tomorrow's mood la. Heehee((: Today for OC, We did the wet weather parade. I prefer the wet weather one lo. Hahas yeah;DD And the greatest news ever. WE WILL NOT HAVE OC REHEARSAL TOMORROW! YAY! ;DD Tomorrow should be our ONLY day of break lo. Hahas, so nice~ Okays, I have no time to post today,. Buhbyes~ xD |